My experience working with a diverse population of families, couples and individuals of all ages has led me to adopt and practice therapy that is…
Relationally-grounded / Research consistently confirms that the therapeutic relationship is the most significant predictor of positive outcomes in therapy. This means with every client, building rapport and safety is a primary initial goal.
Strengths-based / A strength-based lens allows a person to see the value they bring to the world as an inherent part of who they are, and to recognize and capitalize on existing strengths as assets and resources.
Meaning-centered / We can capitalize on the uniquely human capacity to discover and create meanings out of the raw and often painful life experiences. “Despair is suffering without meaning” (Viktor Frankl).
Whole-person-oriented / All aspects of a person’s well being must be considered for both assessment and treatment.
Neurobiologically-informed / This approach to treatment utilizes the integrative capacity and plasticity of the brain to create a “self,” foster insight, and produce change.
These concepts align with my observations that individuals have internalized resources, wisdom and capacity for resilience that are often unrecognized or repressed. Strengthening those parts of the self provide the most enduring and transformative healing experiences.
I am an EMDR Certified Clinician. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a research-validated approach used to treat a range of symptoms. This approach, developed in the U.S. in the 1980’s by Dr. Francine Shapiro, is now used throughout the world as a powerful psychotherapeutic technique. Through the contributions of researchers and therapists across the globe, EMDR therapy has evolved over the last 30 years and is now a set of standardized protocols that incorporate many different treatment approaches. Please visit for more extensive information, including research outcomes.
Traditional Therapy
“Traditional talk therapy” is the way I describe more common, interactive and conversational models of therapy. I use narrative, internal family systems, structural and cognitive behavioral therapy. Based on ongoing assessment, client preference, and clinical guidance, the decision will be made collaboratively regarding whether EMDR or a more traditional approach is appropriate – or a blending of both.
All clients have the option of meeting for sessions in person at my office in Eagan or using telehealth to meet virtually.
Training and Consultation
I have provided training, workshops, and consultation around grief and loss for a number of organizations, churches, schools, and mental health clinics both remotely and on site. I enjoy working with groups of all sizes to increase awareness and understanding of grief reactions, complicated grief, and traumatic loss. It is both a personal and a professional mission to reduce the stigma around the grief process to increase comfort and conversation around these themes so that we might better address suffering, differentiate complicated grief from uncomplicated grief, and recognize how our own loss histories impact our current functioning and relationships.
Critical Incident
Stress Debriefing (CISM Model)
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is a step-by-step process that promotes resiliency and recovery for individuals who have been exposed to high levels of stress and/or trauma. I am trained in CISD and am connected to a community of trained providers to ensure two facilitators are present at each debriefing in accordance with the standard CISD model. I have facilitated CISD sessions following a variety of acute crises in a variety of professional environments and schools.